Treet on
arrival: We did gets lots of treets. Eben the sheff
man did gib us treets!
Waters bowl
putted out: We did habs a hooge bowl obs
waters. Wot ham good becoz sumtimes Thai finks hims a fish and needs to drinks
millyons ob waters.
Enuff space
for me layings down: Plenties ob rooms
Taybles big
enuff for Thai snoozings under: Plenties ob room for himself. Eben under the tables for a meself.
Carpits or
hard? Woz hard hunfortunately.
Amount ob
leff-dovers: Not a single fing. Not eben sum ob Meester Porls
hooge playt ob hams.
If it habs a
garden, duz it habs grass: Millyons ob grasses. Sooper.
Duz them
habs Aspalls? No but thems did habs Owld Rosie hinsted wot
Mummy did qwite lub.
Duz thems
habs reel ayl? Thems did. Meester Porl woz berry pleezed.
Hims tried them all on holibobs.
obs menu: Woz
sooper for beings fulled rite hup afta a hole day doing walkies hup a mowntin.
obs tables: Not stickies.
Any uvva comments: Woz rite by the trayn stayshon ins Edale wot
woz neer where we did stays. We did walkies hup the mowntin then getted the
trayn to Hope then getted the bus to Castleton then getted the bus back to Hope
then getted the bus back to Edale and meself and Thai was ‘zorstid so woz
sooper to hab treets and waters and snoozed.
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