Treet on
arrival: No treet
Waters bowl
putted out: Did hab a waters bowl hindoors.
Enuff space
for me layings down: Plenties wib sooper cowld floors wot you
needs wen you ham berry hot afta mowntin walkies.
Taybles big
enuff for Thai snoozings under: Thems woz outside but we didn’t do sittings
hinside so I duznt nos.
Carpits or
hard? Floors
woz made ob hard but woz okies becoz we woz hots.
Amount ob
leff-dovers: Didn’t eben gets a crum! Rood! Speshally afta
woz dragged for a millyon miles and habing checked me ‘dopshon contract I ham
correkt in sayings it stayts ‘greyhounds need too twentie minit walkies’… NOT
seberal hours ob hup mowntin walkies. Ham not a mowntin gowt. Anyways, no
leff-dovers eben for aboosed hounds.
If it habs a
garden, duz it habs grass: Did habs a garden wot woz maked ob hard.
Duz them
habs Aspalls? None obs me Mummy’s fabrit
Duz thems
habs reel ayl? Yes, Meester Porl woz berry pleezed.
obs menu: Did look berry yummies and meself and Thai
did not eben gets a crum! *points to comments abuv about leff-dovers, twentie
minit walkies and aboose*
obs tables: Mummy and Meester Porl
did eats outside becoz ob sunshines so thems benches woz not stickies. Did not
look like stickies hinside tables wen I putted me noze on them tho.
Any uvva comments: Woz in the
middle obs Edale village wot woz sooper for collapsing afta walkies for miles
and miles and miles and miles (eben tho meself and Thai did gets rests and to
drink out ob springs – bestest waters eba – we did eben get ours toes wet).
Didn’t be’s too far froms the trayn stayshon.
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