Monday, 3 August 2015

Reedham Ferry Touring Park, Reedham Ferry Inn, Reedham, Norwich, NR13 3HA

HOUNDY RATING OUT OBS 5:                              *****
Did it habs grasses for rollings and eatings?    Millyons ob grasses.
Did it hab wabbits for meselfs watching?          Millyons ob wabbits and cows.
Did it hab mowls for Thai’s sniffings?                We didn’t see’s any mowls.
Did it has horsey poos neer it for eatings?        No horsey poos.
Woz walkies away from bizzy roads?                 Walkies woz neer the river wot woz qwite sooper. Millyons ob sniffs.
Did we get to do washings hup or woz there fasilities?   There woz fasilities but on haccont obs the millyons ob rayns meself and Thai did get to do sum washings hup.     
HOOMAN RATING OUT OBS 5:               *****
Date visited:                                             July 2015       
Woz the facilities ‘geenic?                     Berry cleen and geenics.      
Did thems hab showers?                       Thems did.                
Did them habs ‘lektric?                          There woz ‘lektric ons anuvva part obs the site but we didn’t habs ‘lektric on haccount obs being on anuvva field.
Did Joodiff hab frends?                         Hers did be wib sum tents on ours field.
Woz it seclooded:                                   Not ‘ticularly but ours field did look out ova a millyon fields wot woz berry berry sooper.  
Woz it neers to a pub?                           Woz rite next to the Reedham Ferry Inn. Sooper... 

Any uvva comments:                         We did goes wen it woz a millyon rains and winds. Did habs lots of funs watchings hoomans putting hup tents in the berry berry rainy windyness wen we woz all snugglies in Joodiff. We lubs Joodiff. We did watchings peeples putting hup a tent for nearly for hole hours. Then we did walkies to the pub and did habs dinners. Then we did comes back and goes to bed wibs the berry berry windy rainy ness alls outside. Wen we did wakes hup in the morning the tenty peeples woz all gonned! Thems did either get blowed away or thems did gets berry berry wet and windied and did goes in the middle obs the nite. We woz berry berry warm and snugglies in Joodiff. 

Dukes Head, Slugs Lane, Somerleyton, Lowestoft, Suffolk, NR32 5QR

HOUNDY RATING OUT OBS 5:               ***
Treet on arrival:                                       No treets
Waters bowl putted out:                       There woz sum outside the frunt door.
Enuff space for me layings down:        We did sittings outside so did hab millyons ob snoozings space.
Taybles big enuff for Thai snoozings under:  Hims cood qwite easy fit under the tayble.  
Amount ob leff-dovers:                         We did gets too beef drippings chippies each becoz Mummy and Meester Porl did gets fulled rite hup wibs lubbly porks wot we did not get to do any eatings ob.
If it habs a garden, duz it habs grass:   Did habs a lubbly grassy garden wot woz sooper for sniffings and snoozings.

HOOMAN RATING OUT OBS 5:        ****
Duz them habs Aspalls?                   Yes thems did. Mummy woz happies.
Duz thems habs reel ayl?                 Yes thems did. Meester Porl woz happies too.  
Sooperness obs menu:                     Woz berry sooper. Qwite stoopid prices tho.
Stickiness obs tables:                        Wozn’t stickies but did hab wosps wot woz annoying but ham summer.

Any uvva comments:            Did be’s close to the trayn stayshon and did hab lubbly walkies to the river. Hinside the pub did habs a dog friendlys part obs the bar buts the restront woznt unless you did eatings outside. 

Reedham Ferry Inn, Reedham Ferry Inn, Reedham, Norwich, NR13 3HA

HOUNDY RATING OUT OBS 5:              ***
Treet on arrival:                                      No treets
Waters bowl putted out:                      No waters but there woz waters outside
Enuff space for me layings down:       Plenties of floor spaces but did get nearly stooded on!
Taybles big enuff for Thai snoozings under:   Yes berry good for snoozings. Altho anuvva unders-the-table-dog did gets stooded on by hims Daddy wen hims woz under the table.
Carpits or hard?                                       Woz hards.
Amount ob leff-dovers:                          I finks praps we did gets a chip each.
If it habs a garden, duz it habs grass:  Didn’t habs a garden wot we did sees but did hab seets outside the frunt wot woz hard.  

HOOMAN RATING OUT OBS 5:        *****
Duz them habs Aspalls?                   Yes thems did.  
Duz thems habs reel ayl?                 Qwite lots. Meester Porl did try a few.
Sooperness obs menu:                     Berry sooper.
Stickiness obs tables:                       Not stickies at all.

Any uvva comments:                        Mummy and Meester Porl did lub thems food berry berry much. Thems sed woz a berry sooper propers pub wot woz berry close to where we did habs Joodiff snoozing for the nite. Lubbly looks onto the wet waters and sooper walkies.

The Rambler Inn, Edale, Hope Valley, Derbyshire, S33 7ZA

HOUNDY RATING OUT OBS 5:               ****
Treet on arrival:                                       We did gets lots of treets. Eben the sheff man did gib us treets!
Waters bowl putted out:                       We did habs a hooge bowl obs waters. Wot ham good becoz sumtimes Thai finks hims a fish and needs to drinks millyons ob waters.
Enuff space for me layings down:        Plenties ob rooms
Taybles big enuff for Thai snoozings under:  Plenties ob room for himself. Eben under the tables for a meself.
Carpits or hard?                                       Woz hard hunfortunately.
Amount ob leff-dovers:                          Not a single fing. Not eben sum ob Meester Porls hooge playt ob hams.
If it habs a garden, duz it habs grass:   Millyons ob grasses. Sooper.

HOOMAN RATING OUT OBS 5:             ****
Duz them habs Aspalls?                         No but thems did habs Owld Rosie hinsted wot Mummy did qwite lub.
Duz thems habs reel ayl?                      Thems did. Meester Porl woz berry pleezed. Hims tried them all on holibobs.
Sooperness obs menu:                          Woz sooper for beings fulled rite hup afta a hole day doing walkies hup a mowntin.
Stickiness obs tables:                             Not stickies.

Any uvva comments: Woz rite by the trayn stayshon ins Edale wot woz neer where we did stays. We did walkies hup the mowntin then getted the trayn to Hope then getted the bus to Castleton then getted the bus back to Hope then getted the bus back to Edale and meself and Thai was ‘zorstid so woz sooper to hab treets and waters and snoozed.  

The Old Nags Head, Edale, Hope Valley, Derbyshire, S33 7ZD

HOUNDY RATING OUT OBS 5:               ***
Treet on arrival:                                       No treet
Waters bowl putted out:                       Did hab a waters bowl hindoors.
Enuff space for me layings down:        Plenties wib sooper cowld floors wot you needs wen you ham berry hot afta mowntin walkies.
Taybles big enuff for Thai snoozings under:           Thems woz outside but we didn’t do sittings hinside so I duznt nos.
Carpits or hard?                                        Floors woz made ob hard but woz okies becoz we woz hots.
Amount ob leff-dovers:                          Didn’t eben gets a crum! Rood! Speshally afta woz dragged for a millyon miles and habing checked me ‘dopshon contract I ham correkt in sayings it stayts ‘greyhounds need too twentie minit walkies’… NOT seberal hours ob hup mowntin walkies. Ham not a mowntin gowt. Anyways, no leff-dovers eben for aboosed hounds.
If it habs a garden, duz it habs grass:          Did habs a garden wot woz maked ob hard.

HOOMAN RATING OUT OBS 5:             ****
Duz them habs Aspalls?                         None obs me Mummy’s fabrit syder.
Duz thems habs reel ayl?                       Yes, Meester Porl woz berry pleezed.
Sooperness obs menu:                           Did look berry yummies and meself and Thai did not eben gets a crum! *points to comments abuv about leff-dovers, twentie minit walkies and aboose*
Stickiness obs tables:                             Mummy and Meester Porl did eats outside becoz ob sunshines so thems benches woz not stickies. Did not look like stickies hinside tables wen I putted me noze on them tho.

Any uvva comments:            Woz in the middle obs Edale village wot woz sooper for collapsing afta walkies for miles and miles and miles and miles (eben tho meself and Thai did gets rests and to drink out ob springs – bestest waters eba – we did eben get ours toes wet). Didn’t be’s too far froms the trayn stayshon.