Sunday, 27 July 2014

Me Day - By meself aged too and eleben bits and twentie seben eben smaller bits.

Mummy sez wen me angel bruvva David woz more older hims rit a blog post about hims day wot you can reed here... A day in the life of me angel bruvva wen hims woz more older.

Hers sed it wood be a sooper idea to rite wot me day ham like now and wot it ham like wen I ham free, then for and then more older than that. So, this ham me own rooteen (for Mundie to Frydie):

05.30: Cleen boys bit furraly. Normly Mummy sez ‘can you not wayt til layter’. Duznt be’s possible. Wen you’s boys bit is not sparkly, duz need to be cleaned. Woodn’t want a un-sparkly boys bit sqwiggling on you’s bed wood you?
05.40: Hab a look out of the window.
05.45: Jumps on the bed. Sqwiggle. A lot. See, woz defnatlie necessary to hab a cleen boys bit.
05.55: Snooze a bit.
06.15: Beep box beeps. Mummy gets hup. Sqwiggle lots more where Mummy woz snoozing. Wag tail lots. YOU HAM AWAKE AND REDDY TO START THE DAY!
06.20: Goes outside for me poo. Habs a showt. Tell evryone you ham awake and habing you’s morning poo. Wag tail lots.
06.25: Do zoomies back indoors. Ded sumfing. Anyfing. Wag tail lots.
06.30: Be helpy wib Mummy’s hair. Sumtimes it be’s nessessary to continue dedding the fing wot you woz dedding at 06.25 rite where Mummy’s hair doing fings is. Wag tail lots.
06.45: Mundie, Toosdie, Fursdie, Frydie: go walkies, meet Bernie and hims Hoo-man. Bouncy hup Bernie’s hoo-man and wag tayl lots. Snuffle Bernie’s hoo-man til I get treets. Jump away from Bernie’s snap snap grr. Do anuvva poo. No need to bark as the werld alreddy no’s I ham awake. Try and eats the long grass becoz I ham starving as I hab not et since me before bed snack.
Wensdie: Do walkies at uvva park. Trys to put me feets in the waters. Says hello to the duck bred hoo-man. Wag tail lots. Scare hims ducks away wib me ‘hello duck bred hoo-man’ bounce. Try to eat thems bred.
07.30: Get back from walkies. Hab brekfst. Burp. Wag tail lots.
07.45: Stare at Mummy for hextra brekfst from hers plate. Wag tail lots.
08.00: Mundie, Toosdie, Fursdie, Frydie: Hab me fishy treets. Hab a snooze.
Wensdie: Goes to playgroop. I lub playgroop! Wag tail lots. (Skip to 5 pee-em)
11.00: Hooman Nanny comes to take me walkies to hers house. Wag tail lots.
11.05: Do a poo for Hooman Nanny – normly a slug poo rite in frunt of as many peeples as possibles.
11.25: Get to Hooman Nanny’s house. Do zoomies. Be helpy wib watering. Sqwiggle on sofa. Be helpy wib making sammiches. Be helpy wib card makings. Do zoomies in the garden wib me borly. Wag tail lots.
12.45: Mummy picks meself hup and takes meself home ins the car. I lub the car. Wag tail lots.
13.00: Hab me fishy kong.
13.30: Snooze.
17.00: Mummy gets home! Wag tail lots. Bounce a lot. Poke noze in eyeborl. Do zoomies in garden. Bounce lots more. Wag tail lots more.
17.30: Go walkies. Do too poos. Wag tail lots.
18.30: Sqweek rite froo Mummy’s tellybox program for me dinners.
19.00: Heventually hab me dinners. Soopervize Mummy making hers dinners. Wag tail lots.
19.30: Swap between soopervizing Mummy eatings dinner and habing a look out the window.
19.45: Soopervize Mummy habing a shower.
20.00: Praps practiss sum of me homewerk from skool. Wag tail lots. Habs a bit of a snooze.
21.00: Get hup, ded sumfing. Hab a mad five minits. Wag tail lots. Do zoomies in the garden. Praps hab a poo ands a wee if I can be bovvered. Hab me before bed snack.
21.15: Settle down wib Mummy for the evenink. Rest tail.
23.00: Bedtimes. I hab to be still and qwiet. Praps I duz a sneekies ‘pffft’.

Satadie and Sundie ham completely different. Thems goes like this:

06.20: Goes outside for me poo. Habs a showt. Tell evryone you ham awake and habing you’s morning poo. Wag tail lots.
06.25: Do zoomies back indoors. Ded sumfing. Anyfing. Wag tail lots.
06.30: Make mischiff all day.
23.00: Bedtimes.

So, as you can see. I ham qwite bizzy! Duzn’t be’s enuff time in the day for a proper lubbly snooze or ritings but I ham going to try me very hardest to do sum ritings eben if it meens I habs to give hup some of me few snoozes. 


  1. Wow super busy. I think it must be all that pent up energy that makes everything around you explode!

  2. Brilliant Arthur, Love your blog :-)

  3. Wow! Yew is bizzy! Ah thot only my dogs did 06.20: Goes outside for me poo. Habs a showt. Tell evryone you ham awake and habing you’s morning poo. Wag tail lots.

    All da time!

  4. You sounds like the happiest, busiest dog EVER! I'm so glad for you! Your mummy is great! <3

  5. Absolutely brilliant Arthur xx. xx

  6. You are very busy indeed Arthur!
