Did it habs grasses for rollings and
eatings? Yes, lots
ob grasses and long grasses for sniffings in. Sooper.
Did it hab wabbits for meselfs
watching? Lots of wabbits for watchings.
Berry sooper.
Did it hab mowls for Thai’s
sniffings? Did not
hab any mowls but Thai did qwite lub the wabbits too.
Trees for wees hup? Trees and
long grasses.
Did it has horsey poos neer it for
eatings? Did hab
horses for doing lookings at but thems poos woz the uvva side obs the fense.
Woz walkies away from bizzy roads? Walkies woz on lubbly country roads.
Did we get to do washings hup or woz
there fasilities? There woz
fasilities but meself and Thai did still get to do brekfst playt lickings.
Date visited: May 2015
Woz the facilities ‘geenic? Berry
‘geenics and shiny.
Did thems hab showers? Yes qwite
hooge coobicles.
Did them habs ‘lektric? *nods* Yes.
Did Joodiff hab frends? Yes
there woz space for five Joodiffs and sum tents.
Woz it seclooded: Berry
qwite wib lots of feelds and berds. Berry pees-full.
Woz it neers to a pub? It woz but
wozn’t open wen we did try to goes.
(If yes, did we reviews it...)
Any uvva
comments: Thems woz berry berry frendlies eben
to nature. Thems did use the sunshine to makes ‘lektric and thems did use the
rayn to makes the toylets go flush and thems did make thems own apple joose. We
did turnings hup on the rong day (becoz Meester Porl did gets it rong and hims
didn’t eben drink any obs the wobbly joose) and thems did still find ourselfs a
space wot woz berry lubbly ob themselves. Hunfortunatly Meester Porl wen hims
wozn’t drinking wobbly joose didn’t see’s that thems did only let one dog stay
in each Joodiff. I did sez that I ham not a dog I ham an Arfur. Thems sed okies
then and we woz allowdid to stay wot woz qwite sooper.
P.S. We hab
resently habed an emayl from themselfs to sez thems ham finking abouts
refinking thems one dog polly-see. If thems duz we ham defnatly goings back. We
did lub it here.