Did it
habs grasses for rollings and eatings? Lots ob
berry lubbly grasses for rollings and eatings.
Did it
hab wabbits for meselfs watching? No wabbits
but there woz ducks and ducklinks and I did do watchings them a little bit.
Did it
hab mowls for Thai’s sniffings? Thai finked
him founded a mowl but I finks him woz seeings fings. Too many fresh airs
gonned to hims brayn.
for wees hup? Sum
lubbly shrubberies for wees and sniffings.
Did it
has horsey poos neer it for eatings? No horsey
poos but woz sum bugs to try to do catching wib you’s teefs.
walkies away from bizzy roads? Woz lubbly
walkies on country roads.
Did we
get to do washings hup or woz there fasilities? There woz
sum washings hup fasilities but meself and Thai did get to do helpings wib
brekfst washings hup anyways. ‘Parently dinners woz maked of bottom ‘sploding
Date visited: May 2015
Woz the facilities ‘geenic? Thems woz ‘geenic enuff for
wees and poos – ham a tradishonal campysite.
Did thems hab showers? No showers but berry filfy
peeples cood habs a jump ins the river like wot labradoors do to get cleen.
Did them habs ‘lektric? No ‘lektric but Mummy did get
hers candles out and it woz qwite romantikal altho I did only hav Thai to
snuggle wib and hims not me gerlfrend, hims me bruvva.
Did Joodiff hab frends? There woz
a cupple of frends for Joodiff but not too many.
Woz it seclooded: Berry
berry seclooded and green and neer the river.
Woz it neers to a pub? Wood hab
be’d if you habbed a bowt but Joodiff duznt flowt so Mummy and Meester Porl did
habs fizzy wines hinsted from Joodiff.
Any uvva
comments: We did habs a lubbly
lubbly hadventure here. Woz ebryones favrit and we ham hopefullies goings back
in Orgust. We woz rite by the river and did sunbavings and watchings ducklinks
and I did sum wee’s on Thai’s hed. Did hab rowp swings hinto the river too wot
did look sooper.